Case No.: l:20-cv-1579

Dismissed,with prejudice

"Plaintiff, FiscalNote, Inc. ("FiscalNote") and Defendants, Daniel Germain and Germain Consulting, LLC ("Germain Consulting"), by their undersigned counsel, pursuant to Rule 41(a)(l )(A)(ii) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, hereby stipulate to the dismissal of all claims asserted in this action, including but not limited to the claims asserted in FiscalNote's Complaint filed December 22, 2020, with prejudice, each party to bear his or its own costs and expenses, including attorney's fees."

Joint  Stipulation of DismissalComplaintAnswer

"Baseless allegations...Notice to withdraw its baseless Complaint"

"Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)... it is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation."

"Please be advised that, should you and your client continue to prosecute this baseless case, we reserve all rights to seek sanctions, costs, and attorneys’ fees pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, 28 U.S.C. § 1927, and all other applicable remedies."

2021.06.02 Letter to S. Gilbert and J. Blum re FiscalNote v. Germain

"Plaintiff Accuses Mr. Germain of All Sorts of Wrongdoing, and Mr. Germain Spends the Next Year Explaining to Plaintiff That He Did Nothing Wrong."

"On January 31, 2020, after it received a copy of Mr. Germain’s marketing emails (see Ex. A) from one of its customers, Plaintiff (through counsel) sent Mr. Germain a cease-and-desist letter, claiming that his marketing campaign was 'defamatory, constitutes tortious interference and is actionable.' "

"The following month, in February 2020, Plaintiff sent Mr. Germain two more threatening letters, now accusing Mr. Germain of having misappropriated its trade secrets by downloading thousands of files from Plaintiff’s file storage drives—the same allegations that Plaintiff would later make in its Complaint. See id at 2-4."

"Between February and November of 2020, Mr. Germain tried to avoid this litigation by providing detailed disclosures and explanations of what he actually did and did not do, why Plaintiff’s allegations were inaccurate, and how Plaintiff could independently verify his explanations."


FiscalNote misses deadline for expert witnesses by 17 days and requests extension.  


"On December 22, 2020, Plaintiff filed its Complaint. In a final attempt to avoid an expensive litigation that he could ill-afford, Mr. Germain agreed to a three-month “stay” of this case7 during which Mr. Germain voluntarily ran (1) 46 broad search queries proposed by Plaintiff and (2) the file names of every single one of the several thousand documents Plaintiff alleged Mr. Germain misappropriated across every electronic device, email account, and system log in his custody and control—all in an attempt to show Plaintiff he had done nothing wrong or in any way inappropriate. See, e.g.Exhibit F (the parties’ agreed-upon search terms)."


"[T]ransparent ploy to drive up the costs of this litigation "

"[P]ut the squeeze on its unemployed former employee to get the settlement it wanted"

"Plaintiff’s sudden claim to need multiple experts and its belated motion are nothing more than a transparent ploy to drive up the costs of this litigation and force Mr. Germain—an unemployed individual—into accepting a settlement on Plaintiff’s terms. "

"...There is every reason to believe that Plaintiff reasonably decided not to invest in any experts in a case that it offered to completely walk away from two weeks ago—until it decided it needed to put the squeeze on its unemployed former employee to get the settlement it wanted."


"Defendants deny Plaintiff’s paranoid allegations that they 'fed misleading and outdated documents and information to the media'.          

Washington Business Journal article

"Around the same time as Germain’s marketing campaign was underway, the Washington Business Journal (“WBJ”) published an article about FiscalNote, which painted FiscalNote in a false and defamatory light. It depicted FiscalNote as a company struggling to retain high-profile clients. In support for its statements, WBJ quoted from internal retention documents obtained by the Washington Business Journal.”

"Based on the content of the article, the information provided to WBJ included old and stale documents and information, selectively chosen and taken out of context, in order to create a false and misleading impression of the state of FiscalNote’s customer relationships."

"FiscalNote has traced certain of the information published by WBJ to a specific confidential, internal FiscalNote document. Germain downloaded the document prior to publication of the article."

"Upon information and belief, Germain also told WBJ that FiscalNote is no longer investing in the Engage product and fails to support its clients using the platform."


U.S. District Court

Eastern District of Virginia - (Alexandria)




FiscalNote, Inc. v. Germain et al

Assigned to: District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema

Referred to: Magistrate Judge Michael S. (MJ)Nachmanoff

Demand: $75,000

Cause: 18:1836(b) - Civil Action to Protect Trade Secrets

Date Filed: 12/22/2020

Date Terminated: 10/19/2021

Date FiledDocument #Docket Text
12/22/201Complaint ( Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0422-7556245.), filed by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 12/22/2020)
12/22/202Proposed Summons to Daniel Germain by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 12/22/2020)
12/22/203Proposed Summons to Germain Consulting, LLC by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 12/22/2020)
12/22/204Corporate Disclosure Statement by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 12/22/2020)
12/23/20 Initial Case Assignment to District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema and Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff. (ahas) (Entered: 12/23/2020)
12/23/205Summons Issued as to Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. NOTICE TO ATTORNEY: Print out two electronically issued summons and one copy of the attachments for each defendant to be served with the complaint. (Attachments: # 1 Notice)(ahas) (Entered: 12/23/2020)
1/5/216WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by FiscalNote, Inc.. Daniel Germain waiver sent on 12/23/2020, answer due 2/22/2021. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 01/05/2021)
1/6/217WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by FiscalNote, Inc.. Germain Consulting, LLC waiver sent on 12/23/2020, answer due 2/22/2021. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 01/06/2021)
1/27/218Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Scott M. Gilbert and Certification of Local Counsel D. Jack Blum Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422- 7601884. by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Proposed Order)(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 01/27/2021)
2/3/219ORDER granting 8 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Scott M. Gilbert. Signed by District Judge Rossie D. Alston, Jr on 02/03/2021. (jlan) (Entered: 02/03/2021)
2/17/2110Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to Move, Answer, or Otherwise Respond to the Complaint by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 02/17/2021)
2/17/2110Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to Move, Answer, or Otherwise Respond to the Complaint by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 02/17/2021)
2/18/2111ORDER granting 10 Motion for Extension of Time to File. ORDERED that Defendants Daniel Germain and Germain Consulting, LLCs deadline to move, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this matter is extended byninety (90) days from the date of this Order.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff on 2/18/2021. (lcre, ) (Entered: 02/18/2021)
2/18/21 Daniel Germain answer due 5/19/2021; Germain Consulting, LLC answer due 5/19/2021. (lcre, ) (Entered: 02/18/2021)
5/17/2112Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Jason A. Snyderman and Certification of Local Counsel Adrien C. Pickard Filing fee $ 75, receipt number AVAEDC-7792967. by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 05/17/2021)
5/17/2113Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Huaou Yan and Certification of Local Counsel Adrien C. Pickard Filing fee $ 75, receipt number AVAEDC- 7792968. by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 05/17/2021)
5/18/2114ORDER granting 12 Motion for Pro hac vice Appointed Jason A. Snyderman for Daniel Germain and Germain Consulting, LLC. Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 05/18/2021. (jlan) (Entered: 05/18/2021)
5/18/2115ORDER granting 13 Motion for Pro hac vice Appointed Huaou Yan for Daniel Germain and Germain Consulting, LLC. Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 05/18/2021. (jlan) (Entered: 05/18/2021)
5/19/2116ANSWER to Complaint by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC.(Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 05/19/2021)
5/19/2117Corporate Disclosure Statement by Germain Consulting, LLC. (Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 05/19/2021)
6/2/2118SCHEDULING ORDER:Initial Pretrial Conference set for 6/23/2021 at 11:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 400 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff. Discovery due by 10/15/2021. Final Pretrial Conference set for 10/21/2021 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 700 before District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema. Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 6/2/21. (Attachments: # 1 Mag.Consent, # 2 Pretrial Notice)(yguy) (Entered: 06/02/2021)
6/16/2119Joint Proposed Discovery Plan by FiscalNote, Inc..(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 06/16/2021)
6/21/2120Rule 16(b) Scheduling Order - Based on the parties representations in their discovery plan, the Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b) Pretrial Conference scheduled for June 23, 2021 shall be canceled. Upon review of the pleadings and the record, the court makes the following rulings:
1. The Rule 26(f) report (Dkt. No. 19) filed by the parties is approved unless modified by the court herein or hereafter (See Order for Details). Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff on 6/21/2021. (lcre, ) (Entered: 06/22/2021)
7/12/2121AFFIDAVIT of Service for Subpoena to Produce Documents served on GovPredict, Inc. on 06/25/2021, filed by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 07/12/2021)
8/3/2122NOTICE of Appearance by Kierstan Lee Carlson on behalf of Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC (Carlson, Kierstan) (Entered: 08/03/2021)
8/3/2123Consent MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Adrien Pickard by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Pickard, Adrien) (Entered: 08/03/2021)
8/3/2124ORDER granting 23 Consent MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Adrien Caulder Pickard terminated. Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 8/3/2021. (swil) (Entered: 08/04/2021)
8/30/2125Joint MOTION for Protective Order by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Protective Order)(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 08/30/2021)
9/1/2126MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5
Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8)(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/01/2021)
9/1/2127Notice of Hearing Date set for 09/10/2021 re 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/01/2021)
9/1/21 Set Deadlines as to 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery. Motion Hearing set for 9/10/2021 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 400 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff. (clar, ) (Entered: 09/02/2021)
9/1/21 MOTIONS REFERRED to Magistrate Judge: Nachmanoff. 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery (clar, ) (Entered: 09/02/2021)
9/7/2128ORDER granting 25 Joint MOTION for Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff on 9/7/2021. (swil) (Entered: 09/08/2021)
9/8/2129Opposition to 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery filed by Daniel Germain, Germain Consulting, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H)(Carlson, Kierstan) (Entered: 09/08/2021)
9/9/2130REPLY to Response to Motion re 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery filed by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 9, # 2 Exhibit 10, # 3 Exhibit 11, # 4 Exhibit 12, # 5 Exhibit 13, # 6 Exhibit 14, # 7 Exhibit 15)(Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/2131MOTION to Seal Reply in Support of Motion for Leave to Extend Expert Discovery by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/2132Notice of Filing Sealing Motion LCvR5(C) by FiscalNote, Inc. re 31 MOTION to Seal Reply in Support of Motion for Leave to Extend Expert Discovery (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/2133Sealed Response/Reply/Opposition re 31 MOTION to Seal Reply in Support of Motion for Leave to Extend Expert Discovery. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/2134Memorandum in Support re 31 MOTION to Seal Reply in Support of Motion for Leave to Extend Expert Discovery filed by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/2135ORDERED that the oral argument of this matter, which is currently scheduled to be heard on Friday, September 10, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. be and is continued to Monday, September 13, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. re 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery filed by FiscalNote, Inc. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff on 9/9/2021. (swil) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/9/21 Set Deadlines as to 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery. Motion Hearing set for 9/13/2021 at 11:30 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 400 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff. (swil) (Entered: 09/09/2021)
9/13/2136Joint MOTION to Continue Hearing on Plaintiff's Motion to Extend Expert Discovery by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/13/2021)
9/13/2137Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff:Motion Hearing held on 9/13/2021 re 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery filed by FiscalNote, Inc. Appearances of counsel. Motion argued and GRANTED. Order to follow. (Tape #FTR.)(lcre, ) (Entered: 09/13/2021)
9/13/2138ORDER granting 36 MOTION to Continue Hearing of Plaintiff's Motion to Extend Expert Discovery. Motion to Extend Expert Discovery is continued until September 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. There will be no further continuances.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff on 9/13/2021. (swil) (Main Document 38 replaced on 9/13/2021) (swil, ). (Entered: 09/13/2021)
9/13/21 Set Deadlines as to 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery. Motion Hearing set for 9/17/2021 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 400 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff. (swil) (Entered: 09/13/2021)
9/16/2139Withdrawal of Motion by FiscalNote, Inc. re 26 MOTION for Extension of Expert Discovery (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 09/16/2021)
9/16/21 Motion Hearing set for 09/17/2021 at 10:00 AM in Alexandria Courtroom 400 before Magistrate Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff re 26 Motion TERMINATED. Motion withdrawn on 9/16/2021. (lcre, ) (Entered: 09/16/2021)
10/13/2140ORDERED that defendants have until Tuesday, October 19, 2021, to show good cause as to why the unredacted copy of the Reply should not be made publicly available. If good cause is not shown, plaintiff's motion will be DENIED and the unredacted version of the Reply will be publicly filed. Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 10/13/2021. (swil) (Entered: 10/13/2021)
10/19/2141STIPULATION of Dismissal (Joint) by FiscalNote, Inc.. (Blum, Daniel) (Entered: 10/19/2021)
10/19/2142So Ordered re 41 Stipulation of Dismissal filed by FiscalNote, Inc. (see Order for further details). Signed by District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema on 10/19/2021. (swil) (Entered: 10/19/2021)

PACER Service Center

FiscalNote, Inc. v. Germain et al


2018 - 2021

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.




"FiscalNote is, and will remain, unable to state a claim for patent infringement on which relief could be granted" " FiscalNote has said ... at times .... that each of these patents is directed to improvements in computer technology, but in my view, that is incorrect. FiscalNote has identified nothing in either patent to support its contention and the Court cannot find support for it in these patents, even recognizing that these are lengthy patents."

"At Wilmington, this 2nd day of July 2021: WHEREAS, Defendants (Quorum) in the above-listed cases filed Rule 12 motions to dispose of patent infringement claims on the bases that certain patent claims are invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 101, because they are allegedly directed to patent ineligible subject matter" "Defendant's Rule 12 motion (C.A. No. 20-1736 D.I. 10) is GRANTED"

In the checklist letter, FiscalNote identified the term "scraped from the Internet" as being in dispute and proposes that it be construed as "collecting data from the Internet with the aid of a computer." From this, it follows, in FiscalNote's view, that the inventions are plainly not a series of mental steps and cannot be performed manually by a human[47] and FiscalNote suggests that this would  therefore impact the results of the 101 analysis.  

In the Court's view, FiscalNote waived its opportunity to argue that claim construction is necessary before the Court can resolve the 101 motion by not providing the Court, in its answering brief, a proposed construction and at least some explanation as to what difference adoption of that proposed construction would make. FiscalNote does a little bit better in its checklist letter, but
that also is too late.

Even adopting FiscalNote' s new proposed construction still leaves us with nothing more than patent claims that involve normal computer operations. 

Additionally, what I have referred to today as the mental process test provides an additional clue that FiscalNote's claims are directed to an abstract idea. I incorporate here by reference all my prior discussions of the continuing usefulness of the mental process test. Applying that test here, all of what the claims of the '002 and '092 patents cover could be practiced by, and as is explained in the specification, have long been practiced by, humans without computers. 

US District Court for the District of Delaware Memorandum Order

FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain FiscalNote Strikes $1.3 Billion SPAC Deal.  FiscalNote Dan Germain